Reiki Certification Classes
Reiki Certifications Classes: Reiki is described as Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is a practice which can only be mastered through attunements and dedicated practice on the development of one's personal energy.
A Note From Janice:
Reiki is like magic to me. I live, breathe and love Reiki. It has been an important part of my growth as well as an important part of my ability to help others. To learn Reiki is to awaken spiritually and to embark on a journey of holistic healing. Reiki promotes holistic healing as it helps to bring positive change across the whole of your life on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels, as well as the physical level. Choosing to connect to Reiki, or The Universal Life Force, is choosing to connect to yourself on a deeper level. Reiki ultimately reveals the interconnectedness or oneness of all things.
Reiki 1: The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the Universal Life Force Energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. In my Reiki 1 class we will focus on the history of Reiki and we will learn how to practice Reiki on ourselves and others.
Reiki 2: Gives the students the skills to practice Reiki on others and open energy channels more deeply. With the Reiki 2 class you learn the Sacred Reiki Symbols, each symbol corresponds to a specific energy (power, harmony, distance, mastery and completion. Upon completion of Reiki 2 you are a Certified Reiki Practitioner. These symbols used by a Reiki Practitioner can also help people provide Reiki healing over long distances or send healing energy wherever it may be needed in the world.
Reiki 1 & 2: Two-day class which includes 4 attunements, which are the transfer of the Universal Life Force Energy. Upon completion the graduate will receive a Certification diploma as a Reiki Practitioner.
This class is $375 for both days, cash, check or credit card.
Reiki 3: Reiki 3 is a Master/Teacher class. Upon completion of Reiki 1 & 2, the graduate may take the the Reiki Master class after 3 months. Becoming a Reiki Master also represents a deep commitment to the practice of Reiki. The Reiki levels provide a general organization of the progression of the path to Reiki Mastership.
This Reiki Master class is 2 days at a cost of $475 for both days, cash, check or credit card.
NOTE: All classes include learning the Emotional Freedom Technique also called Tapping.