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What is Reiki?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

How does Reiki healing work?


As the chakras are cleared, energy is released and the flow returns, resulting in healing and clarity as the body, mind, soul and spirit are re-balanced. 

What is Distant Reiki?


Distant Reiki is used to perform Reiki on someone who is not physically present.  

Does Distant Reiki healing work?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

Can medical professionals use Reiki?


Reiki makes a great compliment to western medicine.  Get certified to add to your toolbox as a medical professional. 

Can medical professionals use Hypnosis?


Referred to as “Medicine of the Mind,” hypnosis therapy has been AMA approved since 1958.  Get certified to add to your toolbox as a medical professional. 

How can I stop smoking?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

How can I stop drinking alcohol?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

How do I stop vaping?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

What is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

What is Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis?


Reiki therapy promotes health and well-being, reduces stress and encourages relaxation through light touch applied to the chakras. 

What are Psychic Readings?


Intuitive counseling connects you to past, present and future issues to answer your most perplexing questions.


"Don’t miss how great you will feel with any of my specialties.  Make an appointment today!"

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SoHo Centre

10515 W. Markham Street, Suite D5

Little Rock, AR 72205

501. 712. 0044


Hypnosis & Reiki School

© 2024 by Janice McCorkle. All rights reserved.

Reiki and Hypnosis are complementary alternative therapies and are NOT a substitute for qualified medical or professional care. 

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